Tow Pro is a long-time client of ours that has been contracted for SEO services since the beginning. We have worked hard to keep their organic metrics growing month over month, even in slower seasons. We have recently turned their website into a corporate website that lists their other towing businesses, which keeps clients aware of their various locations and offerings. Because of these website changes, Tow Pro continues to grow from not only searches for Tow Pro, but their related Tow Pro Company businesses.

Blog Writing & Other SEO Practices

At Piccolo Solutions, we strike a balance between consistency and innovation, keeping our clients at the forefront of searches through continual website updates and making improvements where they are needed. Our regularly scheduled blogs touch on important aspects of travel, driving, and towing knowledge, keeping drivers safe and informed while they are on the road. We also are constantly making sure that the website is running smoothly and efficiently with a focus on readability and page speed. 

Expanding Tow Pro’s Website

While transitioning Tow Pro’s website into a corporate website, we needed to make sure that we created pages with focused and optimized URLs. We created URLs based on the various locations and names of the various towing businesses Tow Pro owns, which allows these websites to show up on Google Searches faster. We continued with this attention to detail throughout each towing company’s unique page, offering readers information about their services through clear and concise text. We include images throughout each web page, so clients can gain peace of mind upon seeing Tow Pros professional, top-tier equipment. Each business page easily links back to the Tow Pro homepage. Having an easily accessible homepage can make all the difference for SEO and for ease of navigation for clients. 
