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Anna-Vija Honored As Finalist For NBJ “Most Admired CEO” Award

The Piccolo Solutions team is delighted to announce that our CEO, Anna-Vija McClain, has been selected as a finalist for the Nashville Business Journal’s “Most Admired CEO” Award!

To assemble this year’s list of honorees, NBJ accepted nominations from the public; these nominees were then grouped into categories based on their company size and type and asked to vote on one another. Those with the highest scores after voting are this year’s Most Admired CEOs Award honorees.

Anna-Vija is honored to have been included in this group of highly-respected business people!

“I am truly honored to have been nominated as Most Admired CEO by the Nashville Business Journal!! Looking back at starting Piccolo 8 years ago, I could only dream of earning a nomination like this. Piccolo still stays true to the values that I originally started the company with, one being the fact that we prioritize happiness among our employees. When we stick to our core values, successful moments like these naturally follow!”

For the past decade, Anna-Vija has helped business owners boost profitability while achieving increased personal fulfillment while also working to equip hundreds of young professionals with the skills and resources they need to successfully transition from college into their careers.

Congratulations, Anna-Vija! Here’s to the next decade of business success!
