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2016: A Year of Blogs in Review

Another year has almost come and gone! Since all good things must come to an end, let’s take a minute to count down some of my favorite blogs from 2016. With topics ranging from marketing and networking to leadership and wellness, there is sure to be something for everyone!


#5 Get Your Marketing Plan Prepared for 2016!


Or, more appropriately, 2017!


If you don’t read past #5, be sure to stop here and review my tips for creating and implementing your marketing plan. With a focus on goal and budget setting, these 5 tips will help you get your thoughts in order BEFORE the new year so you can hit the ground (or interwebs) running!


#4 What Kind of Referral Partner Are You?


Take your networking efforts to the next step with a focus on “referral networking.” Why, you ask? Because, while you may not be able to personally deliver a particular service, tapping into your referral network can provide your client with a solution.


And everybody likes a win-win.


#3 Email Marketing 101: Nurture Your Lead List


Building your email marketing list is one of my keys to business success. But, there is a difference between building your list and effectively using it! Learn more here and get started with nurturing your lead list.


#2 Business Development 101: How To Be An Effective Leader


I think we all try to be the best version of ourselves! How do you exemplify strong leadership?


Ask yourself these three questions and consider how effective your leadership style is. After all, “Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.” (John Maxwell)


#1 What types of networking groups or organizations should I join in 2016?


Did you know that there are a variety of types of networking events? Make sure you’re attending the ones that make the most sense for you and your business goals. The trick is to be prepared and to strategically pick events that will show you results (and increase your networking confidence)!


Haven’t had enough yet? Connect with me on LinkedIn to see all of my past blog posts plus weekly content, tips, and business news.


Here are some more of my favorites. Click the link to learn more about any topic that strikes your fancy!

